
Gexcel is a rapidly growing private company started in 2007 with the mission to turn the latest scientific achievements in the Geomatics field into hi-tech products and services for wide application areas. The company has an important track record of turning research activities into products with a wide impact. For instance, Gexcel’s JRC 3D Reconstructor originated from research activities carried out at the EU Joint Research Centre (JRC) in Ispra, while the novel suite of products for large scale point cloud management denominated R3 is based on the industrialization of original solutions developed at Center for Advanced Studies, Research and Development in Sardinia. Thanks to these products, Gexcel is able to satisfy different international targets, becoming also solution provider for important laser scanner manufacturers. In addition, the innovative solutions developed by GEXCEL are used throughout the world and in different application areas, such as archaeological excavations (e.g., in Cafarnao in collaboration with the Custody of the Holy Land), controls of open-pit mining in Chile and South Africa, 3-D measurements of architectural and cultural (e.g., the Narga Selasse templum in Ethiopia), in the construction (e.g., monitoring of the construction site of the Isozaki Torre di Milano, the highest Italian skyscraper) and forensic (software provider for RIS Carabinieri- Italy, Policia Nacional Colombia, Policia Nacional Marid – Spain, Bayerisches Landeskiminalamt – Germany)


Main role in 3D-Forensics/FTI


Gexcel was primarily responsible to provide the final 3D data analysis software.