
The 3D-Scanner is designed to be used directly at crime scenes by crime scene investigators to record impression traces. The 3D-Scanner can also be used indoors for example in custody suites to record the profiles of suspects’ shoes. The 3D-Scanner is mounted on a quadpod or handheld, battery powered and records footwear and tyre impression traces and profiles in a fraction of a second. The most accurate and precise measurement results are obtained through quadpod operation.

Quadpod scanning with the 3D-Scanner
Handheld scanning with the 3D-Scanner

The scanning technique is based on “fringe projection” combined with high resolution colour images. A sequence of fringe patterns is projected onto the measurement area while two cameras capture them from slightly different positions. This technical approach enables the calculation of a highly resolved 3D point cloud of the measurement area. Colour images are taken by an integrated high resolution camera simultaneously with the 3D measurement. The images are automatically mapped onto the 3D point cloud (for analysis with the 3D analysis software).

After each scan, the user receives an automatic notification of whether the measurement was successful and a preview of the recorded 3D and colour data. The prototype system comes equipped with an outdoor travelling case including, recharging devices and calibration pieces.

Preview of 3D data after scanning
3D-Scanner, quapdod and travelling case with calibration piece