External Expert Tester Group (EETG)

The 3D-Forensics Fast Track to Innovation project had an External Expert Tester Group (EETG). The EETG was composed of public organisations with crime scene investigators and identification experts. The primary role of the EETG was to support and accompany the 3D-Forensics/FTI project as representative forensic end users and specifically to pilot test and where relevant and possible to validate the 3D-Forensics system.

The founding members of the EETG were the following:

Landeskriminalamt Sachsen, Germany

The “State Office of Criminal Investigations” in the German Federal State of Saxony.


Landeskriminalamt Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany

The “State Office of Criminal Investigations” in the German Federal State of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.


Regional Scientific Support Services Yorkshire and the Humber, United Kingdom

Yorkshire and the Humber Police in the United Kingdom.


Scottish Police Authority – Forensic Services, United Kingdom

The Scottish Police Authority in the United Kingdom.


RIS Carabinieri, Italy

The “Scientific Investigation Unit of the Carabinieri Corps” in Italy.


Eesti Kohtuekspertiisi Instituut, Estonia

The “Estonian Forensic Science Institute” in Estonia.
