Lucas Instruments

LUCAS instruments GmbH was founded in Jena (Germany) in 1990. Staff at LUCAS have over 20 years’ experience in the production and assembling of mechanical and electronic systems. LUCAS perceives itself as an experienced partner for industry and service centre for electronics and mechanical device manufacturing especially for measuring-, LED- and dental equipment. Well skilled, highly motivated and experienced technicians and engineers guarantee the realization of even complex customer demands in a short period of time. Though a wide service portfolio and a long cooperation with renowned institutes and universities as well as specialized companies, especially around LUCAS location in Jena nearly every customer requirement could be put into practice.

LUCAS services include the development and production of devices and systems as hardware engineering (industrial measuring equipment, sensor- and process equipment, etc.), software engineering (micro controller, real time processing, process visualization, etc.), and mechanical design (design of equipment with 3D-modeling, devices, fixtures, test and inspection equipment).

Staff of LUCAS brings its knowledge in the assembling of complex systems to the project. LUCAS is working with the partners to commercialize results from this project in new products.


Main role in 3D-Forensics/FTI


LUCAS was the coordinator of the project and was primarily responsible to engineer the advanced 3D-Scanner prototypes.